Bawumia Should Be Blamed For The Baseless And Reckless Prophecies – Adib Saani

Outspoken Ghanaian security analyst, Adib Saani has expressed that all blame in relation to the recent ‘reckless’ delivery of prophecies should be leveled against Bawumia, the Vice President of Ghana.

Speaking on TV3’s Midday Live, Adib Saani revealed that Bawumia stepping foot in the church of Rev Owusu Bempah to donate is part of the reason why the man of God dropped doom prophecies despite the caution from the security apparatus.

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“…Unfortunately, we had the Vice President visit his church and a donation of GH¢50,000 was made. I think it was a strategic dove. The Vice President shouldn’t have gone to him because it is more like normalizing what he does or sort of an approval stamp for what he does considering how controversial he is”.

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As we reported earlier, the self-acclaimed nation’s prophet dropped a number of controversial prophecies during his 31st watch night service.

Among several prophecies, Owusu Bempah stated that a coup d’etat was imminent this year. He also added that Ghanaians should be on the lookout as there are going to be a lot of road accidents in the course of the year.

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Rev Owusu Bempah also pointed out that even though he sensed doom for Ghana in a lot of places, there were going to be a lot more marriages in 2023.
