Dina Asher-Smith Parents: Meet Mother Julie Asher-Smith And Father

British sprinter Geraldina Asher-Smith was born on December 4th, 1995. She holds the record for fastest British woman and has been named one of the UK’s most influential persons of African and Caribbean heritage on the Powerlist, most recently in the 2021 edition.

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At the 2019 World Championships, Asher-Smith earned three silver medals—one in the 4×100 m relay, one in the 100 m, and one in the 200 m. She also broke her own British records in individual events. Dina was the first Briton to win three medals in a World Championship, doing so at the young age of 24.

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She won gold in the relay event at the World Championships in 2013 and 2017 as well as the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro in 2016 and Tokyo in 2020.

Dina Asher-Smith Parents: Meet Mother Julie Asher-Smith And Father

Her mother,  Julie, was born in London but is of Trinidadian descent, while her father  Winston,  was born in Jamaica but moved to England when he was a child.

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Source : Kingaziz.com


Source: Kingaziz.com