Funny Face Returns To Social Media A Few Days After Court Ordered Him To Be Off Social Media

Funny Face has returned to social media in the past couple of days after a court ruled that he should be kept out of the social media platform and concentrate on his treatment following being diagnosed with bipolar.

Funny Face was arrested for threats to the lives of people. It was discovered that he suffered from mental disorders, and the judge ordered the suspect to be sent to a psychiatric institution for a re-examination. This is the place he was diagnosed with bipolar.

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For his own benefit and to improve the situation, the court ordered him to stay away from social media for a period of time that he was obliged to do for a period of time and had his manager handle the tasks for him, but he is now back on social media once more.

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In a recent live-streamed video, Funny Face, who is currently in a hospital for psychiatric issues, informed us of the current state of his affairs and the way he’s being taken care of. He said that when you mention the word bipolar, they’ll come back and increase his dose once more.

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From the video, we can discern it is clear that Funny Face is responding well to treatment, but going back to social media in violation of the decision of the court likely to improve his situation, as he will need to avoid social media in order to undergo the treatment and emerge in good health.

Watch the video below;

