Grandpa Elliott Obituary, Burial, Funeral, Memorial Service

Grandpa Elliott Obituary, Burial, Funeral, Memorial Service, and all the funeral arrangement of the veteran street-musician.

Grandpa Elliott, also known as Uncle Remus, was a veteran street-musician in New Orleans, Louisiana. He played the harmonica, sang, and was a street icon in New Orleans.

Growing as a child within the Lafitte Housing Projects, Elliott developed an interest in music as an infant and was able to deal with the aches of a troubled home.

Elliott’s uncle was an accomplished musician who played together with Lloyd Washington of the Ink Spots, and would often invite his nephew to his favorite place, the Dew Drop Inn, to hear the band perform. One day, when his uncle went to work, he left his harmonica behind. Grandpa took it and placed it in his mouth. “Oooh, it was awful,” Elliott laughed. “He chewed tobacco. I had to sterilize that thing.”

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The uncle gifted young Elliott the harmonica, and Elliott fell in love with the music of the mouth instrument. Learning to play along to the tunes from his mom’s radio. In the home, Grandpa’s mom preferred classical music, giving the child a variety of preferences from an early age.

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Learning to dance after viewing Fred Astaire movies on television, Elliott began performing on street corners for change and singing while dancing, as well as playing the harmonica.

They brought me to New York to tap on Broadway when I was 6 or 7, and my mama got killed up there,” he said. The man they lived with beat them both and ended up killing his mother. After it happened, his grandmother brought Small back to New Orleans and gave him and his older sister Frances a good life. “She was a sweet old lady,” he said. “My stepfather was a man who did not love his child,” he said. “But my uncle would come to the house, and play the harmonica to me.

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Grandpa Elliott Obituary, Burial, Funeral, Memorial Service

Grandpa Elliott funeral plans are not yet out. The family has not released any details about his funeral plans. Once his funeral plans are out, we’ll update you.

Elliott was born on July 10, 1944, in New Orleans, Louisiana, and died on March 8, 2022, at the age of 77.

