How Many Children Does Clarence Thomas And His Wife Virginia Have?

Clarence Thomas is an American lawyer who serves as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.

President George H. W. Bush nominated him to succeed Thurgood Marshal, and he has been serving since 1991. Thomas is the second African American to serve on the Court after Marshall.

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Clarence Thomas
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas (Twitter/@ColumbiaBugle)

He graduated from College of the Holy Cross, Yale University, Conception Seminary College (1967–1968), and Yale Law School (1974).

Thomas was born on June 23, 1948, in Pin Point, Montgomery, Georgia, United States.

How Many Children Does Clarence Thomas And His Wife Virginia Have?

Thomas married Kathy Grace Ambush, his college sweetheart, in 1971, and they had one child together named Jamal Adeen (son).

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They divorced in 1984 after they separated in 1981. Thomas married Virginia Lamp, a lobbyist and an aide to Dick Armey in 1987.

Clarence Thomas and wife Virginia
Clarence Thomas and wife Virginia Thomas (Photo by Paul Morigi/Getty Images)

Virginia “Ginni” Thomas remained active in conservative politics, serving as a consultant for the Heritage Foundation, and as president and founder of Liberty Central.

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Virginia was born on February 23, 1957, in Omaha, Nebraska, United States.

Clarence Thomas and Virginia do not have a child yet.

