I Am Full Of Demons If You Claim Pork Is Possessed – Sefa Kayi To Sonnie Badu

Kwami Sefa Kayi, one of Ghana’s most renowned radio hosts, has joined the fray of people who are rubbishing claims by Reverend Sonnie Badu of Rockhill Chapel that consumption is pork is abhorred by God.

According to the longtime host of Peace Fm’s flagship morning show Kokrokoo, he would have a godown of demons if the pastor’s claims that persons who eat pork are demon-possessed were true.

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Sonnie Badu
Sonnie Badu

Whiles having a laugh, Sefa Kayi said it has been reported that Sonnie Badu says those who eat pork will have demons attacking them at midnight.

He confessed that he does not know if the assertion is true but said if it is indeed true then he must be full of it.

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The gospel artiste has made the headlines in recent times after he came out to speak against eating pork. He has made it clear that pork opens an individual up for demonic attacks and possession because it is unclean food.

Although he claims his views have grounds in the teaching of the Bible, some persons who are advocates for eating pork have said that Jesus has sanctified all things including pork for humans to eat.

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A listener to the radio show Kwame Sefa Kayi hosts called Chief Biney sent a text message in reacting to the claims, which read “If Sonnie Badu himself turns into kwii (pig), we will eat him,”.

Source: Kingaziz.com