James Bhemgee Obituary, Funeral, Burial, Pictures, Memorial Service, Date, Time, Venue

James Bhemgee who is also known as the “Singing Dustman” has died. He rose to fame when he won Season 2 of SA’s Got Talent in 2010.

Bhemgee lived on Cuckoo Street, Rocklands, in Mitchells Plains but hailed from Kalksteenfontein.

It is unclear what the cause of the death of the SA’s Got Talent star and opera singer is but is reported that he died just before 4 am at home.

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James Bhemgee
James Bhemgee

There are rumors that he was having issues with his kidney, although he was not on dialysis.

Industry colleagues have taken to social media to express their grief and to pay tributes to James.

James Bhemgee Obituary

The singer’s obituary is yet to be published.

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James Bhemgee Funeral

James’s funeral is yet to be held.

James Bhemgee Burial

Bhemgee has not been buried yet since his death is still fresh on the minds of friends and relations alike.

James Bhemgee Pictures

There are no available pictures of his funeral yet.

James Bhemgee Memorial Service

His memorial service is yet to be arranged.

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James Bhemgee Date

The date for his funeral, burial, and memorial service is yet to be fixed.

James Bhemgee Time

The time for his funeral, burial, and memorial service is yet to be set.

James Bhemgee Venue

The date for his funeral, burial, and memorial service is yet to be determined.

Source: Kingaziz.com

Source: Kingaziz.com