Joshua Tharpe Obituary, Burial, Funeral, Memorial Service

Joshua Tharpe Obituary, Burial, Funeral, Memorial Service, and all the funeral arrangement you need to know about how the Party Down South star.

Joshua Tharpe was a Party Down South star. He was best known for featuring on CMT’s Party Down South.

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Joshua Tharpe Obituary, Burial, Funeral, Memorial Service
Joshua Tharpe

He featured in several episodes and made quite the impression on viewers, although he wasn’t the main character.

He was found dead on Monday, March 7, 2022, at age 42, on the kitchen floor of his home in Louisiana, according to his brother, Billy, who confirmed his death to the media.

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Joshua Tharpe Obituary, Burial, Funeral, Memorial Service

Joshua Tharpe funeral plans are not yet out. The family has not released any details about his funeral plans. Once his funeral plans are out, we’ll update you.

