Kiely Rodni Cause Of Death, Wiki, Age, Family, Siblings, Parents, Boyfriend, Pictures, Instagram

Kiely Rodni Wiki

Keily Rodni, a 16-year-old girl who was last seen after attending a party at a campsite in Tahoe National Park, was announced vanished. Miss Rodni had blonde hair and hazel eyes. She is 54 kg in weight and 5 feet 7 inches tall.

She has rings on her nose and body piercings all throughout. She has a tattoo of the number “17” on her ribcage. She was last seen operating a silver 2013 Honda CRV with California license plate 8YUR127 and a little ram’s head decal on the back windshield.

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The sweatshirt Kiely was sporting had the words “ODD FUTURE” inscribed on it. The police and her family however launched a manhunt for her to be found.

Kiely Rodni

Kiely Rodni Cause Of Death

After Kiely Rodni vanished on August 6, 2022, her corpse was discovered in her submerged car in the Prossor Creek Reservoir.

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Kiely Rodni Age

Born in 2006, She was 16 years old when she gone missing. Her date of birth is not yet known

Kiely Rodni Family

Daniel and Lindsey, Rodni’s parents, cared for her at home.

Kiely Rodni Siblings

There is no information about her siblings

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Kiely Rodni Parents

Daniel Rodni and Lindsey Rodni-Nieman are the parents of Rodni.

Kiely Rodni Boyfriend

Jagger Westfall is Rodni’s boyfriend.

Kiely Rodni Pictures

Kiely Rodni Instagram

Details of her Instagram account not available

