Learn Sense, Wo Ti Pasii – Twene Jonas Rains Unprintable Insults On Otumfour For Supporting Momo Tax (Video)

US-based Ghanaian social media commentator, Twene Jonas, has blasted the Asantehene Otumfour Osei Tutu in his new video of warm-up.

Jonas has hurled unprintable insults at the powerful King for backing the E-levy in the Akufo-Addo government.

In his usual long-winded video, he accused Otumfour over his ‘unwise’ decision to vote for this 1.75 percent E-levy on the poor Ghanaians.

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Jonas has requested that Otumfour get his head straight after he branded him as a fool.

In the last few days during one Twene Jonas’ live-streams, he asked that Otumfour had indeed backed the momo tax even though Ghanaians have been vocally displeasure at it.

Otumfour is putting his support behind President Akufo Addo regarding the E-levy.

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The politician is said to have stated that the country will only flourish if the people are being taxed.

The video seems to have reached the nerves of Twene Jonas, since he’s repeatedly slammed him in his latest video.

The fix the country campaigner
was able to provide a list of the resources found in Ghana including gold, timber, cocoa, oil, and recently discovered iron and much more. However, the government leaders are scheming to misuse them while they expose ordinary Ghanaians to suffering.

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Not only that, but he also slammed Otumfour because of not being able to resolve galamsey-related issues that were affecting the Ashanti region.

Watch the video below;

Source: Kingaziz.com

Source: Kingaziz.com