Louie Simmons Obituary, Burial, Funeral, Pictures, Memorial Service

Louie Simmons Obituary, Burial, Funeral, Pictures, Memorial Service, and all the funeral arrangement of the American powerlifter and strength coach.

Louie Simmons was an American powerlifter and strength coach who is noted for developing the Westside Conjugate method of training and applying it to powerlifting and other sports, as well as inventing several pieces of strength training equipment, Louie Simmons.

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He was a powerlifter for more than 50 years. He has managed to achieve an impressive 920 pounds (420 kg) in squat, 600 pounds (270 kg) bench press, and 722 pounds (327 kg) deadlift in the span of 50.

Simmons has accumulated elite in five different weight classes for nearly four decades.

He created Westside Barbell, a private, invitation-only, elite training facility in Columbus, Ohio.

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Louie Simmons Obituary, Burial, Funeral, Pictures, Memorial Service
Louie Simmons

Alongside developing specific workouts, Simmons has also developed specialized equipment and machines to efficiently and effectively increase strength that is not possible with the commercial equipment for gyms.

The most famous machine he has developed is called the Reverse Hyper. It is a machine specifically designed to work with that posterior chain.

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Louie Simmons Obituary, Burial, Funeral, Pictures, Memorial Service

Louie Simmons funeral arrangements have not been announced yet, the family are yet to announce his funeral arrangements. The actor funeral pictures will be out after the funeral.

He was born on October 12, 1947, and died on March 24, 2022, at the age of 74.

Source: Kingaziz.com

Source: Kingaziz.com