Marilyn Loden Funeral, Pictures, Burial, Memorial Service, Date, Time, Venue

Marilyn Loden Obituary, Funeral, Pictures, Burial, Memorial Service, Date, Time, Venue, and more.

Marilyn Loden Obituary

Born on July 12, 1946, in Hyde Park, New York, United States, Marilyn Loden was an American writer, management consultant, and diversity advocate.

During a 1978 speech, she invented the phrase “glass ceiling”. She was an alumna of Syracuse University.

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Loden was a featured enlist on the BBC series 100 Women where she discussed the role of gender discrimination in the workplace.

Loden passed away on August 6, 2022, in St. Helena, California, United States, following a year-long battle with cancer.

Marilyn Loden Funeral, Pictures, Burial, Memorial Service, Date, Time, Venue

Marilyn’s funeral arrangements have not been put in place yet. The date, time, and venue are not yet out.

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Funeral pictures will be ready whiles the funeral is underway or afterward, and a memorial service will be held as well.

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