Nana Ama Macbrown Mutes Counsellor Lutterodt When They Clashed At Peace FM Over Her Marriage

Popular actress cum Media Personality, Nana Ama Macbrown, is known to be someone who doesn’t react to issues that surface on the news headlines.

She always knows how to handle issues and often doesn’t say anything even if something bad is leveled against her.

Nana Ama Mcbrown
Nana Ama Mcbrown

The actress in an interview with Graphic Showbiz has stated that those negative comments usually gets to her but doesn’t react, adding that when someone says something bad about her loved ones she gets offended.

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According to her, she doesn’t understand why people drag her family into pictures when they’re having issues with her.

In her words, “I don’t see the reason why anyone should include my husband or my daughter when they have problems with me. I get offended when negative things are said about the people I love most”

She revealed that one person she did not spared who talked about her marriage is Counsellor Lutterodt after he told her, her marriage won’t last.

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Nana Ama Macbrown disclosed that she wasn’t happy about it so she met the self acclaimed counsellor on Peace FM.

She said, “How could a married man and for that matter a counsellor make such a statement about me? I was angry but told myself I would definitely confront him one day. I finally confronted him when we met on Peace FM’s Entertainment Review and he found it difficult to explain himself to me,
