Paula Stafford Obituary, Funeral, Pictures, Burial, Memorial Service, Date, Time, Venue

Paula Stafford was born on 10 June 1920 in Melbourne. She was an Australian businesswoman and fashion designer who is credited with the introduction of the bikini to Australia.

She was described as “Australia’s original bikini designer” by Graeme Potter, who was the director of Queensland Museum South Bank.

The Emily McPherson School of Domestic Economy was where Paula studied dress design.

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Paula Stafford

In 1993, Paula Stafford was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia in the General Division for service to the fashion industry and was inducted into the Queensland Business Leaders Hall of Fame in 2013.

She published her autobiography, Bikini: the Paula Stafford story, which she co-wrote with Ali McGovern, in 2010.

Stafford died in June 2022, at the age of 102.

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Paula Stafford Obituary

Stafford’s obituary is yet to be published.

Paula Stafford Funeral

Paula’s funeral is yet to be announced and held.

Paula Stafford Pictures

There are no pictures yet of her funeral since it is yet to be held.

Paula Stafford Burial

Stafford has not been buried yet.

Paula Stafford Memorial Service

The fashion icon’s memorial service is yet to be held.

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Paula Stafford Date

The date for his funeral, burial, and memorial service is yet to be fixed.

Paula Stafford Time

The time for her funeral, burial, and memorial service is yet to be set.

Paula Stafford Venue

The venue for her funeral, burial, and memorial service is yet to be arranged.

