Photos Of Stephen Appiah And Michael Essien Eating TZ At ‘Chop Bar’ Go Viral

Photos of former Black Stars stalwarts Stephen Appiah and Michael Essien eating local food “Tuo Zaafi” (TZ) at a chop bar has surfaced on the net.

In the photos sighted by, the two football stars were seen dressed in black outfits and seated behind a table, and in front of them were bowls of TZ with the usual green soup on them as they looked very focused on dealing with the food.

READ ALSO:  2010 World Cup: Stephen Appiah Accepted To Sit On The Bench For Black Stars To Win - Kevin-Prince Boateng

Fiifi Tackie, the spokesperson for the Ayew family, who shared the photos on his Twitter handle and one other man were sitting on the table with them.

Check out the photos below;


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