Randy Weaver Funeral, Burial, Pictures, Memorial Service, Time, Date

Randy Weaver Funeral, Burial, Pictures, Memorial Service, Time, Date, and all the funeral arrangement of the white separatist involved in Ruby Ridge standoff with FBI.

Randall Claude Weaver was a white supremacist and white separatist known for his role in the Ruby Ridge standoff near Naples, Idaho, in 1992.

Weaver, his family, and a friend, Kevin Harris, engaged in an armed standoff against the U.S. The FBI agents and Marshals.

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Weaver’s 14-year-old son Sammy was shot in the back and killed by a U.S. Marshall during the standoff. After which, Harris shot and killed U.S. Marshal William Degan.

A federal sniper later shot Weaver in the back. Harris was also shot by the same federal sniper. Vicki, Weaver’s wife, was killed by the bullet that injured Harris as she stood behind the Weaver home’s door. Vicki was holding the infant daughter of the Weaver family.

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Randy Weaver
Credit: Reuters

Weaver surrendered to federal officers 11 days after the incident started. He was also charged with conspiracy, murder, assault, and other offenses. Except for failing to appear in court on the firearms charge, he was cleared of all charges.

Weaver was sentenced for 18 months. His family received $3,100,000 total in compensation for the murder of his son and wife by federal agents.

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Randy Weaver Funeral, Burial, Pictures, Memorial Service, Time, Date

The participant in Ruby Ridge standoff funeral will be held very soon.

Date and time for his funeral and burial are not yet out.

Funeral pictures will be ready whiles the funeral is underway or is done, and a memorial service will be held after the funeral.

Randy Weaver passed away on May 11, 2022, at the age of 74.

Source: Kingaziz.com

Source: Kingaziz.com