Refund All Allowances You Received Since January 2009 – John Boadu Tells Lordina Mahama

The General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) John Boadu has asked the former First Lady of Ghana, Lordina Mahama to refund all allowances she received from the state since 2009 till date.

Speaking in an interview on TV Africa, the NPP’s General Secretary called on Mrs. Lordina Mahama to follow the footsteps of Rebecca Akufo-Addo by refunding all monies paid her.

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Former President John Mahama’s wife Lordina Mahama as a matter of urgency refund all monies paid to her since January 2017 till now. Those she received back in 2009 must also be included,” he told Paa Kwesi Schandorf.

The First Lady of Ghana made the decision to refund the allowances and emolument that has been approved to be paid to her. However, this has been greeted with so many criticisms from the general public who believes it’s not yet time to pay First and Second Ladies.

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Following the rejection and decision to refund allowances by the First and Second Lady, there has been calls from some Ghanaians on Mrs. Lordina Mahama to also follow their footsteps.

