Rugby Legend Dave Sims Obituary, Burial, Funeral, Pictures, Memorial Service

Rugby Legend Dave Sims Obituary, Burial, Funeral, Pictures, Memorial Service, and all the funeral arrangements of the American sportscaster.

David Sims was an English former rugby union footballer, a lock forward for Gloucester RFC. He won three England caps on the 1998 Tour of Hell.

Born in Gloucester and trained in the Churchdown School, Sims is the grandchild of the former Cheltenham as well as England player Tom Price. After playing for Longlevens RFC, he made his debut with Gloucester in the 1987-88 campaign and was promoted to the first XV in November 1988.

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He was a player with the team for 12 seasons and was captain of the team over two consecutive seasons. He was transferred to Worcester during the 1999-2000 season, before moving as a temporary player from Bedford at the beginning of January in 2000.

Sims was in 2001 when he was captain of his team England National Divisions team against Australia at Welford Road Stadium.

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He was a part of Exeter in 2002, prior to moving to Launceston RFC, Taunton R.F.C., and then after being released by Taunton joined Wellington RFC, where he was a coach/player and helped the club move up to Western Counties West league.

He was then appointed head coach of The Withycombe RFC senior squads, while playing for the 1st XV.

Sims played for The Barbarians on three occasions in 1995, 1996, and 1999.

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Rugby Legend Dave Sims Obituary, Burial, Funeral, Pictures, Memorial Service
Dave Sims (Photo by Mike Egerton/EMPICS via Getty Images)

Rugby Legend Dave Sims Obituary, Burial, Funeral, Pictures, Memorial Service

Dave Sims funeral arrangements have not been announced yet, the family are yet to announce his funeral arrangements. His funeral pictures will be out after his funeral. We’ll keep you updated.

Sims was born on November 22, 1969, in Gloucester, Massachusetts, United States, and died on March 19, 2022, at the age of 52.

