The First And Second Lady Refunding Their Allowances Is A Curse To Ghana – Counsellor Lutterodt Explains Why

Popular Ghanaian Counsellor, George Lutterodt prevalently known as Counselor Lutterodt has uncovered that the country is under a reviled after the Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo And Mrs. Samira Bawumia refunded the remittances paid to them since 2017.

As per Counsellor Lutterodt, the president Nana Addo’s decision to pay stipends to his significant other First Lady Mrs Rebecca Akufo-Addo and the Second Lady Samira Bawumia is the best move any wedded man can at any point make.

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He, consequently, contended that he was grieved when he heard the First and Second lady have both delivered articulations dismissing the proposal of being paid and surprisingly going on to refund every one of the remittances paid to them since 2017.

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Lutterodt uncovered that the nation is under a curse the second the two women refunded their allowances to the State on the grounds that, Ghanaians didn’t treat the two women reasonably with their positive reactions. He added that they didn’t refund the monies out of their own free will, but under some degree of agony.

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He further added that Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo and Samira Bawumia merit the cash the commission prescribed to be paid to them not just on the grounds that their spouses are the president and the VP individually but the work they have undertaken over these years for mother Ghana.

