Vitaly Gerasimov Obituary, Burial, Funeral, Memorial Service

Vitaly Gerasimov Obituary, Burial, Funeral, Memorial Service, and all the funeral arrangement of the second Russian army general.

Vitaly Gerasimov was the second Russian army general. He took part in the second Chechen war, the Russian military operation in Syria, and the annexation of Crimea, winning medals from those campaigns.

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Vitaly Gerasimov was killed on Monday, March 7, 2022, at age 45, according to the Chief Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine’s defence ministry in a statement.

Vitaly Gerasimov Obituary, Burial, Funeral, Memorial Service
Vitaly Gerasimov

He was reportedly killed by Ukrainian forces near the besieged city of Kharkiv, the second Russian senior commander to die in Vladimir Putin’s invasion of the country after Major General Andrei Sukhovetsky was reportedly killed by a sniper on February 28.

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His death represents another major blow to Putin’s forces.

Vitaly Gerasimov Obituary, Burial, Funeral, Memorial Service

Vitaly Gerasimov funeral plans are not yet out. The family has not released any details about his funeral plans. Once his funeral plans are out, we’ll update you.

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