Who Is Salman Rushdie’s Son Zafar Rushdie? Wiki, Age, Birthday, Net Worth, Wife, Mom, Profession

Salman Rushdie is a popular Indian-born British-American novelist. In 1981, his second novel, Midnight’s Children (1981) won him the Booker Prize and was deemed to be “the best novel of all winners” on two occasions.

He was elected as a member of the Royal Society of Literature in 1983. Salman married his first wife, Clarissa Luard from 1976 to 1987. Clarissa was a Literature officer of the Arts Council of England.

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Salman Rushdie

Who Is Salman Rushdie’s Son Zafar Rushdie?

Zafar Rushdie is the elderly son of Salman Rushdie.

Zafar Rushdie Wiki

Salman Rushdie and Clarissa Luard gave birth to Zafar Rushdie in the year 1979. He’s known for his popular quote “I had no wish that it hadn’t happened. It has made me who I am now”.

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When for eleven years, the Iran Ayatollah Khomenei issued a fatwa against his father. This was a terrifying moment for him because he was just nine years old.

Zafar Rushdie Age

Zafar Rushdie is 43 years old.

Zafar Rushdie Birthday

Zafar Rushdie was born 1979.

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Zafar Rushdie Net Worth

Zafar Rushdie is said to have an estimated net worth of $1 million.

Zafar Rushdie Wife

Zafar Rushdie is married to Natalie Rushdie (London-based jazz singer).

Zafar Rushdie Mom

Clarissa Luard is the mother of Zafar Rushdie.

Zafar Rushdie Profession

Zafar is a Public Relation executive.

Source: Kingaziz.com

Source: Kingaziz.com