Asamoah Gyan Shares Heartwarming Story of Don Bortey’s Generosity

Ex-Ghana international, Asamoah Gyan, has narrated a heartwarming tale about the generous former Accra Hearts of Oak forward Bernard Dong Bortey.

Asamoah Gyan recounted when Dong Bortey came for a national team assignment with a bag full of cash after he had shot a commercial video.

He said the former Hearts of Oak attacker urged him to dip his hands in the bag and take as much money as he wants from it.

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Asamoah Gyan
Asamoah Gyan

Gyan said he was taken aback by the move by the player he said was on top of his game at the time. He described Dong Bortey ass a free-spirited guy who has helped him.

The former Sunderland striker said Dong Bortey has a big heart and would willingly give away all he has to help anyone in need.

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He revealed that he took out a wad of cash from Bortey’s bag and pledged to him that he will repay him for his good act when he also comes into good money.

Asamoah Gyan said that he has a good relationship with the former Ghana forward, who he said was supposed to be up there but things didn’t go well for him.

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