Benedicta Gafah Teases Hajia4real After Allegedly Snatching Her Baby Daddy

Ghanaian actress, Benedicta Gafah, after allegedly snatching Hajia4real’s rich baby daddy, Latif has thrown a subtle jab at her.

Per an earlier report, Benedicta is reported to have felt comfortable with Latif during a house party, which prompted those around the possibility of a relationship between the two.

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According to the report, Gafah even had full access to Latif’s house and phone like his partner should, which is weird knowing very well that he’s in a relationship with Hajia.

Benedicta Gafah was allegedly using Latif’s phone and playing games, whilst the other ladies gathered at the party wondered what was going on.

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Following the report, Benedicta Gafah has taken to social media to tease Hajiareal. She claims God has answered her prayers and given her heart desire.

She’s posted a bible verse, praying for her fans to also receive such a blessing.
