Bridget Otoo Jabs Samira Bawumia; Says She Deserves The Insults

Ghanaian journalist Bridget Otoo, who is known for her strong opinions, has said that she has no compassion for the Second Lady, Samira Bawumia, and her plight.

Since the Emoluments Committee authorized wages for the wives of the president and vice president, the Second Lady has been the subject of widespread, intense attention.

In response to the overwhelming outpouring of support from Ghanaians, the First and Second Ladies were compelled to decline these allowances.

This also prompted a discussion regarding the real effect that these women have had as a result of their respective roles.

In addition to a slew of other complaints, many have claimed that the second woman does nothing except parade about in one Pistis gown after another with her face caked in makeup.

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Thus according to Bridget Otoo, Madam Samira Bawumia is deserving of every ounce of venom thrown at her from every corner. Her justification was that the Second Lady personally had no hesitation about hurling obscenities at former President John Mahama in the aftermath of the 2016 election results.

In the past, Samira Bawumia has been quoted as saying that the previous president was “useless and inept.” She went on to explain that she did not regret calling John Mahama names since she was just expressing the facts at the time, which she subsequently clarified.

READ ALSO:  Second Lady Samira Bawumia Agrees To Refund All Allowances Paid Her Since 2017

Mrs. Bawumia is now on the receiving end of the situation, and she is likely expecting a respite, but according to Bridget Otoo, you get exactly what you put into it. Here’s what she had to say about it on her Twitter account.

She wrote: “It is not right to insult the wife of the Veep but at the Peak of the 2016 campaign she insulted a sitting President l
It makes it difficult to convince someone not to go hard at her except to appeal to them
Abaa y3de b) Takyi no 3noa na y3de b) Baah

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See her tweet below;

