I’m A Proud Gold Digger And I Pity No One – Actress Tonto Dikeh Says

Nigerian actress Tonto Dikeh has admitted the fact that she’s a proud gold digger who does not care for anyone.

It’s been a subject to discuss how famous people, particularly women, make use of their popularity to get money from wealthy men.

There are many situations to consider proving the above point, and some famous people have exposed their co-workers for their actions.

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Tonto Dikeh was accused on numerous occasions of shifting between rich men one after another in order to finance her extravagant celebrity lifestyle, but there isn’t any evidence to support this speculation.

In the past, she gave what seems to be the evidence the critics want to prove their claims.

Tonto Dikeh has inked via social media that she’s a gold digger as well as a goal digger.

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In her own words, she said that she makes the most of every opportunity to grow and improve herself. She doesn’t care about whom she hurts to achieve what she wants.

She also advised people not to approach her if they have small pockets and have little gold because she won’t spare anyone.

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I am digging gold and goals now… don’t come near me if your gold is weak cause I no go pity you. I will dig it and that of your future!! Yes I am a wealthy Gold/Goal digger,” she wrote on Instagram.

Source: Kingaziz.com

Source: Kingaziz.com