Mahama Will Take Responsibility And Fix Things But Nana Addo Is Misled And Clueless – Bridget Otoo Throws Fresh Shot

Staunch supporter of the NDC and media personality Bridget Otoo has argued that former President Nana Addo makes a better leader than Nana Akufo-Addo.

Akufo Addo
Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

She says John Mahama takes responsibility for things that happen as far as his government is concerned and fix it but Nana Addo is misled and clueless about things happening around him.

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image result of John Mahama
John Mahama

She made this comment while speaking with Nana Aba on Starr FM.

“I think Mahama is a better leader than Akufo-Addo and there’s is a huge difference between the two. John Mahama will take responsibility and fix things but Nana Addo is misled, uninformed, and unaware. That’s the difference between them,” she noted.

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She strongly believes that Nana Addo is poor as far as leadership is concerned.
