Moesha Allegedly Drinks Powerzone Bleach In An Attempt To Take Her Life

New report on Moesha Boduong‘s predicament has it that the actress has been sent to the hospital after she tried to take her life for the second time.

In an audio report, Moesha Boduong who is going through a lot after taking Jesus Christ as her personal saviour attempted to end to all by drinking Powerzone bleach.

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The report further states that Moesha Boduong is being put under the surveillance of macho men who are doing their best to prevent her from causing harm to herself.

Also, doctors have been visiting her to administer injections and check up on her to make sure she’s stable.

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According to the Instagram gossip page, ThoseCalledCelebs, Moesha Boduong recently drank Powerzone bleach to end up her own life but failed at it.

Moesha Boduong is obviously tired and wants to end it for good. It’s reported that her condition is spiritual but it seems those around her think otherwise.

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Listen to the audio below;
