My Job Is Not To Jail Corrupt Officials – Akufo-Addo Tells Critics

President Adu-Addo has responded to critics of his anti-corruption approach by saying that his job isn’t to arrest corrupt officials.

Imani Ghana and other anti-corruption groups expressed concern about the high level of corruption in the office of President Akufo-Addo.

He made the observation at a high-level National Conference that it was the job for the judges. The president points out that his job does not involve the dismissal of or sentencing people who are accused of corruption-related activity in his government.

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He spoke at a high-level National Conference Friday, and said that it was the job of the judges.

It is not my job to exterminate or dismiss anyone who is accused of wrongdoing or to engage in any form of corruption. That is the job of the courts,” he said.

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President Akufo-Addo, however, confirmed that his job was to “deal with allegations of corruption by referring the matter to the relevant investigative bodies for appropriate action, including the necessary, suspension of the relevant officer, until the investigation was completed.”

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The Summit was held to commemorate International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD) and International Human Rights Day on Friday. It was called: “Your right, your role: Say no to corruption.”

